
The Mladá Boleslav Library

The Mladá Boleslav Library, is a state funded organization in the city of Mladá Boleslav

Tr. Vaclav Klement 1229, 293 01 Mladá Boleslav


ID 70565872

TIN (tax identification number) is not subject to VAT (value added tax)

This is registered with the Czech Ministry of Culture in the library records under the number 0838/2002

+ 420 326 328 256

+ 420 326 328 257



Basic information:

The Mladá Boleslav Library was founded by the town of Mladá Boleslav.

The Mladá Boleslav Library is a basic public library with one branch in the North City housing neighborhood. It was established in order to provide a public library, information and other services equally to all citizens without discrimination, as defined in § 2, 4 and 14 of the Act no. 257/2001 Coll.

The Mladá Boleslav Library is one of five regional libraries authorized to operate in the Central Bohemia Region. These services are provided according to the concept approved by the Central Bohemia Region Council on 16. 12. 2013 and by the Central Bohemia Region Assembly on 24. 2. 2014. The Mladá Boleslav Library operates under a mandate from the Central Bohemian Research Library in Kladno. Regional operations are financed by the Central Bohemia Region budget.

The Adult Reading Section

As an Adult reader, you can not only borrow from a diverse library collection of nonfiction and fiction, but you can also find many pleasant corners inviting you to sit down with a book. You can sit in the reading room and read newspapers and magazines. You will also find a study room and a regional reference section. The adult reading section also has an audio library for the visually impaired.

Telephone: 326 329 434

Books can be borrowed for up to 6 weeks. Books from the study can only be borrowed within the library, to study in the library.

Nonfiction is supported by the UDC = Universal Decimal Classification. Fiction is catalogued alphabetically by the author’s surname. Some genres are sorted on the selection shelves (Poetry, thrillers, historical novels …) and then alphabetically, by author name.

In this section you will find:

  • professional literature
  • fiction
  • CD and DVD attachments to books
  • maps and guides
  • foreign literature
  • selected reference library (dictionaries, encyclopaedias, etc.).
  • regional Literature
  • daily Press
  • magazines
  • audiobooks on CD
  • audiobooks on CD for people with visual disabilities
  • DVDs with Czech films

This section also provides interlibrary lending services and data search.

Ability to connect to WI-FI.


Operating hours for the adult reading section (September to June)

Monday 8-18

Tuesday 8-18

Wednesday 13-16

Thursday 8-18

Friday 8-18

Saturday 9-13


Operating hours for the adult reading section (July-August)

Monday 9-15

Tuesday 12-17

Thursday 12-17

Friday 9-15


The Children’s Section

This section offers young readers a diverse library collection of nonfiction and fiction to borrow. The children’s section is designed for children and youth up to 15 years of age.

The Children’s department holds regular morning training programs for nursery and primary school sand afternoon activities for children of all ages.

Telephone 326 329 432

Books can be borrowed for up to 6 weeks.

Educational literature is supported by the UDC = Universal Decimal Classification. Fiction is sorted by genre, age group and author which is done alphabetically by last name.

Children can use the public Internet. Children should follow the rules of safe Internet use when working on the internet.

In this section you will find:

  • books
  • picture books
  • first reading
  • children stories
  • stories about animals
  • adventure books
  • mystery
  • girls‘ novels
  • foreign literature
  • educational literature for children and youth
  • magazines for children and youth
  • board games
  • DVDs with Czech fairy tales

Ability to connect to WI-FI.


Operating hours for the children and youth section (September to June)

Monday 12-17

Tuesday 8-17

Wednesday 13-16

Thursday 12-18

Friday 12-17

Saturday 9-13


Operating hours for the children a youth section (July-August)

Monday 9-15

Tuesday 9-15

Thursday 9-15

Friday 9-15

Reading newspapers – Lobby


In the library lobby you will find:

  • newspapers (Boleslavský deník, Sport, Právo, Mladá fronta)
  • a cloakroom with an attendant
  • basic information
  • refreshments (coffee, tea)

Operating hours for the lobby and the newspaper reading room (September to June)

Monday 8-18

Tuesday 8-18

Wednesday 7:30 – 16

Thursday 8-18

Friday 8-18

Saturday 9-13


Operating hours for the lobby and the newspaper reading room (July-August)

Monday     9 – 14

Tuesday        9 – 14

Wednesday        9 – 15

Thursday      9 – 14

Friday        9 – 14


North City Branch

The northern city library branch in the town of Mladá Boleslav(17 November 11325) is a lending library for adult readers as well as for children and youth. It offers a diverse library collection of nonfiction and fiction.

Telephone 326 325 041

Books can be borrowed for up to six of 6 weeks.

Nonfiction is supported by the UDC = Universal Decimal Classification. Fiction is sorted alphabetically by the author’s surname. Some genres are catalogued on the selection shelves (Poetry, thrillers, historical novels …) and then alphabetically, by author name.

In this section you will find:

  • professional literature
  • fiction
  • CD and DVD attachments to books
  • maps and guides
  • foreign literature
  • daily Press
  • magazines
  • audiobook on CD
  • DVD with Czech films

Ability to connect to WI-FI.


Operating hours for the North City branch (September to June)

Monday 13-17

Tuesday 9-12 13-18

Wednesday 13-16

Thursday 9-12 13-17

Friday 9-14


Operating hours for the North City branch (July-August)

Tuesday 9-12 13-17

Thursday 9-12 13-17